Contributory welfare

Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2012 Number 52

Contributory welfare
Graeme Cooke


Since the last election the main argument from the Labour leadership about its future agenda on welfare has been a call for a more ‘contributory’ system. This aspiration could form the basis for a rich policy agenda and a powerful political strategy. However, for these benefits to be realised, much greater clarity is needed about what kind of ‘contributory welfare’ is to be advanced and how it could be developed into a credible yet radical policy agenda. This paper attempts to bring greater focus to these crucial questions, drawing out the distinct arguments being made in favour of ‘contributory welfare’, the different strategic directions these embody, and some initial illustrations of the kinds of policy they might imply. 

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To cite this article
Graeme Cooke (2012) Contributory welfare, Soundings, 2012(52)

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