Effects of gravity: German coalition politics
Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2014 Number 56
Effects of gravity: German coalition politics
Simon Garnett
Discusses the new Grand Coalition government in Germany, and argues that there is a risk that the strong desire for stability in Germany could lead to a kind of anti-politics where antagonistic interests are not represented and negotiated. The Bundestag opposition in Germany is numerically small, and this makes it all the more important that they seek to articulate the views of the unrepresented. Discusses the main dilemmas facing political parties in Germany, with sections on the SDP and Agenda 21; the collapse of the FDP; the rise of the populist Alternativ für Deutschland; the identity crisis of the Greens; and the future coalition potential for Die Linke.
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To cite this article
Simon Garnett (2014) Effects of gravity: German coalition politics, Soundings, 2014(56)