Wales, the Corbyn surge, and the direction of the democratic left

Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2016 Number 63

Wales, the Corbyn surge, and the direction of the democratic left
Gideon Calder, David Marquand, Leanne Wood, Neal Lawson pages -


Roundtable discussion discussing the prospects for social democracy in Wales and elsewhere in the wake of the Corbyn leadership victory. Was it a game-changer? Do political horizons remain much as they were? What are the prospects for progressive alliances, for example across Labour, Plaid and the Greens? Support for Labour more or less held up in the May 2016 Welsh Assembly elections, but this support is fragile; as in many de-industrialised areas, it is susceptible to a populist appeal to a sense of disenfranchisement and lack of control.

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To cite this article
Gideon Calder, David Marquand, Leanne Wood, Neal Lawson (2016) Wales, the Corbyn surge, and the direction of the democratic left, Soundings, 2016(63), -

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