Scotland and alternatives to neoliberalism
Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2016 Number 63
Scotland and alternatives to neoliberalism
Neil Davidson, Satnam Virdee, Gerry Mooney, Jenny Morrison
Roundtable on Scottish politics that focuses on some of the absences within the independence campaign, and analyses the SNP’s inability to mount any real challenge to neoliberalism or austerity politics, in spite of its rhetoric: as one contributor argues, in many ways it resembles a tartan version of the Third Way. The contributors reflect on the ways in which race, class and gender figured during the campaign, and argue that perspectives based on acknowledging the importance of these differences can act as an important corrective to the idea that the Scottish establishment is in some way innately progressive.
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To cite this article
Neil Davidson, Satnam Virdee, Gerry Mooney, Jenny Morrison (2016) Scotland and alternatives to neoliberalism, Soundings, 2016(63)