Black lives on campuses matter: the rise of the new black student movement
Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2016 Number 63
Black lives on campuses matter: the rise of the new black student movement
Khadijah White
In response to the depredations of neoliberalism, millennials on university campuses have been helping lead movements for economic and social justice, and the Movement for Black Lives has been prominent within these movements. Past activists and scholars have been a source of inspiration, but social media have also played a key role in mobilising today’s activist networks. Some of the main activities of the Movement for Black Lives on campus, including at the University of Missouri, have also attracted a backlash against student activists, and solidarity from faculty members is both necessary and risky. Professors working at universities in the midst of the movement for Black Lives must understand that they are inherently implicated in issues of racial inequality on and off campus, and must address these disparities through creative pedagogy, support of student endeavours, and intentional civic engagement.
To cite this article
Khadijah White (2016) Black lives on campuses matter: the rise of the new black student movement, Soundings, 2016(63)