On the borders of solidarity: ethics, power and immigration controls

Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2016 Number 63

On the borders of solidarity: ethics, power and immigration controls
Phillip Cole pages -


This article adopts a less commonly seen perspective on immigration controls, in considering the issue from an ethical standpoint. The argument is that imposing control on migrations is an act of power that excludes people from poorer parts of the world from the riches of the wealthy countries, even though those parts of the world have made a massive contribution to that wealth. Problems such as work insecurity and low pay are caused by powerful employers and states, not by migrant workers, which means that it is the powerful who must be called upon to address these problems: we should not be seeking to solve them at the expense of some of the weakest members of society. However complex the story about global economic power may be, we must find ways of telling that story so that people can see where the responsibility lies, and begin to replace fear with solidarity.

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To cite this article
Phillip Cole (2016) On the borders of solidarity: ethics, power and immigration controls, Soundings, 2016(63), -

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