Are real changes now possible: where next for Corbyn and Labour?

Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2017 Number 66

Are real changes now possible: where next for Corbyn and Labour?
Michael Rustin


How do we build on the hopes raised in the June election? Jeremy Corbyn’s election campaign, and its outcome, is without doubt the most positive development that has taken place in British politics for more than twenty-five years - since Tony Blair became leader of the Labour Party. The reason for this is that it is the first substantial challenge to neoliberalism that has emerged from Labour in all those years. Corbyn’s campaign has now demonstrated that a politics based on the rejection of neoliberalism - the contemporary version of ‘full capitalism’ - and the development of an alternative to it - is capable of electoral success.

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To cite this article
Michael Rustin (2017) Are real changes now possible: where next for Corbyn and Labour?, Soundings, 2017(66)

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