Notes from lockdown

Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2020 Number 75

Notes from lockdown
Georgie Wemyss, Deborah Grayson, Nira Yuval-Davis, Hannah Hamad, Joy White, Karen Patel
DOI: 10.3898/SOUN.75.01.2020


A series of reflections on Covid-19 that looks at: how the pandemic affects processes of bordering and increases the indeterminate grey zones within which so many people are forced to live; the way nurses are presented in the media and the hypocrisy of praising them in a moment of crisis while simultaneously devaluing their work and underpaying them; health inequalities in Newham; the inequalities in the craft sector spotlighted by the pandemic; the relationships between radical neighbourliness and local politics; how perceptions of time have been affected during lockdown - and how 24-7 capitalism may seek to take advantage of this radical reorganisation of time.

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To cite this article
Georgie Wemyss, Deborah Grayson, Nira Yuval-Davis, Hannah Hamad, Joy White, Karen Patel (2020) Notes from lockdown, Soundings, 2020(75).

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