The return of public ownership amidst neoliberal mutation
Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2024 Number 87
The return of public ownership amidst neoliberal mutation
Andrew Cumbers pages 117‑133
DOI: 10.3898/SOUN:87.06.2024
The pursuit of a distinctive agenda around democratic public ownership under the Corbyn leadership was symbolic of the departure from the largely neoliberal economic governance perspective that dominated Labour Party policy in and out of government during the New Labour years. In contrast to some of the more dismissive critiques of the Corbyn-McDonnell moment, which either want to caricature it as stuck in a ‘hard left’ groove from the 1980s, or as identifiable as a more traditional social-democratic project of the post 1945 era, it argues that the proposed programme of democratic public ownership (DPO) was genuinely transformative in its framing around economic democracy as an alternative to neoliberal governance. It was different from past radical Labour programmes in its commitment to decentred and pluralist institutions and ownership forms, yet still concerned with achieving radical change through the state.
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To cite this article
Andrew Cumbers (2024) The return of public ownership amidst neoliberal mutation, Soundings, 2024(87), 117-133 . https://doi.org/10.3898/SOUN:87.06.2024