FORUM Volume 46 (2004) Issue 1
ISSN 0963-8253
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Space and Schools
Foreward, pages 1‑1
Doreen Massey
Editorial, pages 2‑5
Jane McGregor
Breaking down the School Walls, pages 6‑6
Matthew Horne
Networked Learning Communities and Out of School Hours Learning: two portraits, pages 7‑8
Kirsten Hill
An Uneasy Future: spatial changes at one school in South Africa, pages 9‑12
Jenni Karlsson
Space Power and the Classroom, pages 13‑18
Jane McGregor
Space, Schools and the Younger Child, pages 19‑23
Annabelle Dixon
Pedagogy in a Public Space: children and adults learning together at Tate Modern, pages 24‑27
Michaela Ross, Roger Hancock, Kate Bagnall
Teachers' Construction of Space and Place: the method in the madness, pages 28‑32
Janice Bissell
Power Relations and Staffroom Spaces, pages 33‑35
Carrie Paechter
Revoicing Classrooms: a spatial manifesto, pages 36‑38
Kenn Fisher
The Use of Space in 21st Century Education Culture: the classrooms and schools of the future - a perspective on policy, pages 39‑40
Helena Campion
User Involvement in School Building Design, pages 41‑43
Sharon Wright