Symposium. Reflections on the 1988 Education Reform Act
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 50 Number 3 (2008)
Symposium. Reflections on the 1988 Education Reform Act
pages 301‑314
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2008.50.3.301
For this 50th anniversary edition, FORUM invited a group of readers, many of whom were teaching 20 years ago, to reflect on the implications of the 1988 Education Reform Act from a personal viewpoint. The resulting symposium brings together a rich, unique and often candid collection of thoughts and reflections written from a wide variety of perspectives.
To cite this article
(2008) Symposium. Reflections on the 1988 Education Reform Act, FORUM, 50(3), 301-314 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2008.50.3.301