Inclusion or Selection? The 14+ Education and Training Reforms
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 50 Number 3 (2008)
Inclusion or Selection? The 14+ Education and Training Reforms
DAVID KITCHENER pages 397‑410
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2008.50.3.397
This article provides a chronologically presented overview of policy reforms designed to enhance skill levels via education and training for school-age learners attending post-compulsory education institutions. It is argued that the catalyst for the creation of vocational diplomas is economic rather than educationally based, arising from the Government's perception of the need to improve productivity and flexibility within the United Kingdom workforce. Consideration is given as to whether the reforms enhance inclusive practice or represent a divisive curriculum, young people being partially excluded from the National Curriculum to study vocational diplomas, and invites comment as to whether this represents a covert return to a selective grammar/secondary modern school model. Arrangements for information sharing between schools and colleges presently delivering vocational qualifications and the support available for young special educational needs learners is investigated via a small-scale study of 15 further education colleges and found to be largely inadequate. Further education lecturing staff attitudes suggest they are largely positive about the possibilities the new arrangements can bring to young people's lives but are concerned as to the lack of staff development they have received.
To cite this article
DAVID KITCHENER (2008) Inclusion or Selection? The 14+ Education and Training Reforms, FORUM, 50(3), 397-410 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2008.50.3.397