The Privatisation of Education
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 51 Number 1 (2009)
The Privatisation of Education
CLYDE CHITTY pages 73‑84
DOI: 10.2304/forum.2009.51.1.73
This article looks at one of the dominant themes of English education over the past twenty years. It examines the various ways in which privatisation has affected schools and schooling since the early 1980s. It may no longer be possible to indulge in a blanket defence of the public sector; but we do at least have to recognise that privatisation in general and the spread of Academies in particular pose a very real threat to the values and principles underpinning 'a national system, locally administered'.
To cite this article
CLYDE CHITTY (2009) The Privatisation of Education, FORUM, 51(1), 73-84 . https://doi.org/10.2304/forum.2009.51.1.73