More Outstanding Nonsense: a critique of Ofsted criteria
FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 57 Number 2 (2015)
More Outstanding Nonsense: a critique of Ofsted criteria
COLIN RICHARDS pages 233‑238
DOI: 10.15730/forum.2015.57.2.233
The Office for Standards in Education's most recently published criteria for 'outstanding' teaching are scrutinised and found wanting. They are seen as unrealistic for teachers to meet and equally unrealistic as criteria for use by inspectors. An explanation is offered as to why they are framed as they are and an alternative, more realistic and meaningful way of categorising schools and reporting findings is outlined.
To cite this article
COLIN RICHARDS (2015) More Outstanding Nonsense: a critique of Ofsted criteria, FORUM, 57(2), 233-238 . https://doi.org/10.15730/forum.2015.57.2.233