Academisation: a balanced, fair, even-handed debate

FORUM - ISSN 0963-8253
Volume 64 Number 3 (2022)

Academisation: a balanced, fair, even-handed debate
Terry Edwards, Carl Parsons pages 82-87
DOI: 10.3898/FORUM.2022.64.3.10


This conversation grows out of the book by Terry Edwards and Carl Parsons – How to Dismantle the English State Education System in 10 Easy Steps (Zero Books 2019). The book was written as a satire, ostensibly lauding the achievements of academisation whilst revealing the commercialised, scandal-ridden, chaotic and ineffective nature of the academy landscape in England. Continuing in the style of the book, this is a conversation between the (pretend) CEO of a multi- academy trust (P) and a (very real) combative opponent of the academisation project (E), weighing up both sides of the academisation debate as the claim is made in the latest Education White Paper that 100%  per cent academisation is the ideal.

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To cite this article
Terry Edwards, Carl Parsons (2022) Academisation: a balanced, fair, even-handed debate, FORUM, 64(3), 82-87. 10.3898/FORUM.2022.64.3.10

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