Renewal Volume 30 (2022) Issue 1
ISSN 0968-5211
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Editorial, pages 5‑9
Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite Free to download
Roundtable: The politics of class, past and present, pages 10‑28
Julia Laite, Aditya Sarkar, Laura Schwartz, George Stevenson Free to download
Commentary: Labour Together’s Labour’s Covenant , pages 29‑36
James Stafford, Tom Barker, Cathy Elliott
Exorcising the ghost of the Alternative Economic Strategy, pages 37‑54
James Meadway Free to download
Towards national or human unity? A Reply to John Denham , pages 55‑61
John Chowcat
Medical specialisation and its consequences for England’s NHS, pages 62‑71
Steve Iliffe, Linda Patterson, Richard Bourne, Jill Manthorpe
If all else fails, try Wales , pages 72‑76
Karel Williams, Laurie MacFarlane
Governing in challenging times: The task facing Germany’s new government – and what it can teach Labour, pages 77‑83
Nick Wright
Taking back control? Gene editing, science politics, and the legacy of our colonial past, pages 84‑95
Doerthe Rosenow