Balancing Act: Personal politics and anti-roads campaigning

Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 1995 Number 1

Balancing Act: Personal politics and anti-roads campaigning
Heather Hunt, Doreen Massey pages 123-138


Heather Hunt was involved with the recent Claremont Road protest against the building of the M11 link road through Hackney in East London. Here she talks to Doreen Massey about the experience of that campaign, and compares it with others, such as Greenham, in which she has been involved. But Heather is also a consultant psychologist. Like many public sector and professional employees, she is over-worked. Howcan we get a better balance in our lives, between formal work and more personal and political concerns?

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To cite this article
Heather Hunt, Doreen Massey (1995) Balancing Act: Personal politics and anti-roads campaigning, Soundings, 1995(1), 123-138

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