Soundings Volume 1998 Issue 9

ISSN 1362-6620

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European Left


Editorial: Avoiding Disenchantment
Michael Rustin Free to download

The radical centre: A politics without adversary
Chantal Mouffe

New labour, new monetarism
Philip Arestis, Malcolm Sawyer

Future generations A right way forward?
Mario Petrucci

Thinking with music
Angela McRobbie

Frances Wilson, Judy Gahagan, Okello Okuli, Catherine Smith, Carole Satyamurti

Catherine Hall, Becky Hall, Susanna Rustin, Harriet Atkinson

Introduction: New beginnings for a European left
Martin Peterson

Slovenia: A model synthesis
Branka Likic-Brboric

New social movements in Hungary
Mate Szabo

Reconciling Past and Present in Lithuania
Leonadis Donskis

Social Exclusion and Multiple Identities
Peter Weinreich

Lettre de France
Alain Caille

Elusive Solidarity in the French Welfare State
John Crowley

Waiting for Mandela: Social exclusion and resistance in the 'new' Sweden
Ove Sernhede

Swedish Multicultural Society
Alexandra Alund

A View from Sweden
Martin Peterson

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