Soundings Volume 2002 Issue 22

ISSN 1362-6620

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Fears and Hopes


Editorial: Fears and hopes, pages ‑
Geoff Andrews

Standing up as Jews, pages ‑

Visit to Western Villages Palestine, pages ‑
Tom Kay

Understanding Violence, pages ‑
Paddy Maynes

Living Cities: Making Space for Urban Nature, pages ‑
Sarah Whatmore, Steve Hinchcliffe

Food for thought (a recipe for disaster), pages ‑
Mario Petrucci

'In but not of Europe': Europe and its myths, pages ‑
Stuart Hall Free to download

Hope, passion, politics, pages ‑
Mary Zournazi

Italy's new opposition, pages ‑
Geoff Andrews

Hollow victory for the German left?, pages ‑
Stefan Howald

Five poems, pages ‑
Alice Beer, Bernadette Cremin, Stefan Dooley, Jessica Horn, Susan Wicks

The Poetics of Propoganda: David Widgery, pages ‑
Dave Renton

Reviews, pages ‑
Wendy Wheeler, Andrew Stevens, Louisa Joyner, Andrew Calcutt

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