Soundings Volume 2003 Issue 23
ISSN 1362-6620
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Who Needs History
Editorial: Focussing the critique
Michael Rustin, Sally Davison Free to download
Global democracy and the Iraq crisis
Michael Rustin
Iran at the crossroads: Democratisation and the dialectics of the revolution
Ali Ansari
Geographical imaginations: Post-modern imperialism and the project of European political integration
Costis Hadjimichalis, Ray Hudson
The failures of privatisation
Christian Wolmar
The meaning of modernisation
Alan Finlayson
Sex, gender and migrations: Facing up to ambiguous realities
Laura Agustin
Chickens come home to roast
G.C. Harcourt
Five poems
Alice Beer, Frances Angela, Martha Kapos, Terence Dooley, Patrick Hobbs
Chris Pawling, Jo Littler, Caroline Bainbridge, Candida Yates
Introduction: Why the left needs history
Geoff Andrews
Rummaging in Trotsky's dustbin. Or: what does the left need with history?
Kevin Morgan Free to download
New left, new pasts?
Ilaria Favretto
Capturing the Labour Party: A masterplan that went wrong
John Callaghan
What can the left learn from history?
Willie Thompson