Soundings Volume 2008 Issue 39

ISSN 1362-6620

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Interesting times


Editorial: Living in interesting times, pages ‑
Free to download

China: changing the rules of the game, pages ‑
Lin Chun Free to download

Pakistan: an uncertain ally, pages ‑
Shaun 2008

Africa and globalisation, pages ‑
Ray Bush

A dead end for the EU?, pages ‑
John Grahl

Exit strategy: BP and the fuelling of Heathrow, pages ‑
James Marriott

Are we all neoliberals now? 'Responsibility' and corporations, pages ‑
Grahame Thompson

Mining the wealth of online communities, pages ‑
Mark Andrejevic

Ofcom, regulation and reform, pages ‑
Jonathan Hardy

Fraternity without equality, and other Conservative ideals, pages ‑
Jonathan Rutherford

Melancholic nation, pages ‑
Paul Hoggett

The Great British Binge Drinking Debate, pages ‑
Guy Redden

Paradoxical progress: responding to sexual violence, pages ‑
Liz Kelly

Poems, pages ‑
Maitreyabandhu, Nicki Hastie, Andras Gerevich, Chris Beckett

Reviews, pages ‑
Suzanne Moore, Marian Barnes

Paths through utopias, pages ‑
John Jordan, Isa Fremeaux

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