Soundings Volume 2008 Issue 40

ISSN 1362-6620

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End of an Era


Editorial: End of an era

Whose Personalisation?
Peter Beresford

The rise of the service user
Sally Baker, Brian J. Brown

Darzi & Co: corporate capture in the NHS
Stewart Player

The low carbon light at the end of the tunnel
Colin Hines

Taming the Finance Markets
Ann Pettifor

The Sakhalin saga
Michael Bradshaw

Revitalising Europe

Left politics down under
Richard Archer

Molly Scott Cato, Michael Prior

Four poems in translation

From economic revolution to social revolution
Oliver Letwin, Alan Finlayson

The law and order trap
Robert Reiner

Sex, slaves and citizens: the politics of anti-trafficking
Bridget Anderson, Rutvica Andrijasevic

Reimagining the facts of life
Sarah Franklin

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