Soundings Volume 2009 Issue 41

ISSN 1362-6620

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Recession Blues


Editorial: Recession Politics
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Private equity and the credit crunch
Adam Leaver

The housing disaster
Toby Lloyd

Financial bubbles and economic crises
Carlota Perez, Jonathan Rutherford

Adult responsibility in insecure times
Kate Crawford

Life on credit
Zygmunt Bauman

Tax justice and secrecy jurisdictions
Richard Murphy

City pay
Julie Froud

Iraq's new ruling elite
Toby Dodge

Food sovereignty: time to choose sides
Anthony Jackson, Eve Mitchell

The undeserving poor
Heather Nunn, Anita Biressi

Tony Blackshaw, Pat Devine, Richard Johnson

Alvin Pang, Andrea Brady, Siddhartha Bose

End of the line for general practice?
Stephen Amiel

The problem with being private
John Launer

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