Soundings Volume 2009 Issue 42

ISSN 1362-6620

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Killing Fields of Inequality


Editorial: Killing fields of inequality, pages ‑

The UK drug problem in global Perspective, pages ‑
Julia Buxton

The killing fields of inequality, pages ‑
Goran Therborn

The living wage, pages ‑
Jane Wills

Academies: Privatising England's Schools, pages ‑
Terry Wrigley

Relationship and dependency in the public sphere, pages ‑
Tim Dartington

Does the end of life have to be hell?, pages ‑
Guy C. Brown, Sarah A. Radcliffe

Public service reform, the individual and the state, pages ‑
Hilary Cottam

UK food security, pages ‑
Robin Maynard

Frames and conjunctures in present-day capitalism, pages ‑
Karel Williams

Poems, pages ‑
Ingeborg Bachmann, John Burnside, Paul Farley, David Harsent

The millennial generation and politics, pages ‑
Ben Little

Constructing a left politics, pages ‑
Bryan Gould Free to download

Reviews, pages ‑
Jon Cruddas, Jonathan Rutherford, David Purdy, Sofi Charlstan

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