Soundings Volume 2009 Issue 42

ISSN 1362-6620

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Killing Fields of Inequality


Editorial: Killing fields of inequality

The UK drug problem in global Perspective
Julia Buxton

The killing fields of inequality
Goran Therborn

The living wage
Jane Wills

Academies: Privatising England's Schools
Terry Wrigley

Relationship and dependency in the public sphere
Tim Dartington

Does the end of life have to be hell?
Guy C. Brown, Sarah A. Radcliffe

Public service reform, the individual and the state
Hilary Cottam

UK food security
Robin Maynard

Frames and conjunctures in present-day capitalism
Karel Williams

Ingeborg Bachmann, John Burnside, Paul Farley, David Harsent

The millennial generation and politics
Ben Little

Constructing a left politics
Bryan Gould Free to download

Jon Cruddas, Jonathan Rutherford, David Purdy, Sofi Charlstan

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