Soundings Volume 2009 Issue 43

ISSN 1362-6620

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Business as usual


Editorial: Business as usual

What crisis is this?
John Clarke

Reflections on the present
Michael Rustin

The patriot's game
Mark Perryman

The media and climate change
Jo Littler

Back to the future: culture and political change
Roshi Naidoo

What rights? Whose responsibilities?
Julian Petley

Time to join the EMU?
John Grahl

The injustice of unequal work
Andrew Sayer

Fear of a black president
Ben Carrington Free to download

North Korea in transition
Glyn Ford

Pakistan - a catharsis
Sayeed Khan

Marianne Morris, Gabriel Gbadamosi, Luis Felipe Fabre, Eoghan Walls

Bill Schwarz, Duncan Weldon, Jon Cruddas, Jonathan Rutherford

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