Soundings Volume 2011 Issue 48

ISSN 1362-6620

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The neoliberal revolution


The neoliberal revolution
Stuart Hall Free to download

Ideology and economics in the present moment
Doreen Massey Free to download

The crisis of a social system
Michael Rustin Free to download

A left communitarianism? What about multiculturalism?
Tariq Modood, Jan Dobbernack

The community of things

When the party is over: Labour in Scotland and Britain
Gerry Hassan

Berlusconi of the left?
Paolo Gerbaudo

The EU crisis: integration or gradual disintegration?
John Palmer

Reframing child poverty
Kate Bell, Jason Strelitz

The privatisation of stress
Mark Fisher

Relational welfare
Hilary Cottam

'You don't talk about love in government'
Sue Gerhardt, Tessa Jowell, Sarah Stewart-Brown

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