Soundings Volume 2013 Issue 54
ISSN 1362-6620
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Hope and experience
Editorial: Hope and experience
Free to download
Vocabularies of the economy
Doreen Massey Free to download
A relational society
Michael Rustin Free to download
Thatcher's spiral and a citizen renaissance
Tom Crompton
Optimism of the intellect? hegemony and hope
Richard Johnson
The long revolution in the global age
Nick Stevenson
Turnings taken and not taken on the road to Britain's 1945
Kevin Morgan
The problem that has no name - work, care and time
Anna Coote, Jacob Mohun Himmelweit
The roots of the coup
Paolo Gerbaudo Free to download
Our dirty love affair with technology
Richard Maxwell, Toby Miller
Doreen Massey, Hilary Wainwright
Fit to Work: Poets Against Atos
Mark Burnhope, Sarah Hesketh, Martin Figura
The size of a song: Pussy Riot and the (people) power of poetry
Sophie Mayer