Soundings Volume 2013 Issue 54

ISSN 1362-6620

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Hope and experience


Editorial: Hope and experience, pages ‑
Free to download

Vocabularies of the economy, pages ‑
Doreen Massey Free to download

A relational society, pages ‑
Michael Rustin Free to download

Thatcher's spiral and a citizen renaissance, pages ‑
Tom Crompton

Optimism of the intellect? hegemony and hope, pages ‑
Richard Johnson

The long revolution in the global age, pages ‑
Nick Stevenson

Turnings taken and not taken on the road to Britain's 1945, pages ‑
Kevin Morgan

The problem that has no name - work, care and time, pages ‑
Anna Coote, Jacob Mohun Himmelweit

The roots of the coup, pages ‑
Paolo Gerbaudo Free to download

Our dirty love affair with technology, pages ‑
Richard Maxwell, Toby Miller

Reviews, pages ‑
Doreen Massey, Hilary Wainwright

Fit to Work: Poets Against Atos, pages ‑
Mark Burnhope, Sarah Hesketh, Martin Figura

The size of a song: Pussy Riot and the (people) power of poetry, pages ‑
Sophie Mayer

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