Soundings Volume 2014 Issue 57

ISSN 1362-6620

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Spaces of debate


Editorial: Spaces of debate
Free to download

Out of the mire: arguments from the Greek left
Christos Laskos, Euclid Tsakalotos

The Gezi resistance and its aftermath: a radical democratic opportunity?

Roundtable: The Indignados and us
Olga Abasolo, Jeremy Gilbert

Opening up the debate
Jon Cruddas

State of independence: the rise of 'third Scotland'

Remaking Scotland

Beyond bullshit jobs
Eliane Glaser Free to download

Crisis and regime change in Britain

Implausible promises: the information revolution in the NHS
Andrew Goffey, Ewen Speed

Religion in new times
Paul-Francois Tremlett

Rebuilding a radical tradition

Three poems
Enoh Meyomesse

Deborah Grayson, Nathan Lean

States of imagination
Janet Newman, John Clarke Free to download

Whose economy? Reframing the debate
Doreen Massey, Michael Rustin Free to download

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