Editorial: Dare to win

Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2015 Number 59

Editorial: Dare to win
David Featherstone, Deborah Grayson, Ben Little


If the election on 7 May allows David Cameron to continue as prime minister it will be a disaster for the UK, but especially for the poorest and most vulnerable in society. Moreover it will sink any medium-term prospect of transition to a just and sustainable economy. The only possible positive outcome for the election would be a Labour-led government in Westminster, either outright or in coalition.

Yet the party refuses to inspire. The last five years for Labour have been defined by caution. Don’t challenge austerity, focus on the NHS, and hope that 2010 voters plus disaffected Lib Dems will add up to a slight majority. This strategy is looking less and less effective, although it still may give Miliband the keys to Downing Street. But it misreads the times. This is a moment crying out for some political bravery, not retrenchment.

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To cite this article
David Featherstone, Deborah Grayson, Ben Little (2015) Editorial: Dare to win, Soundings, 2015(59)

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