Trumpocalypse now
Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2017 Number 66
Trumpocalypse now
Joe Guinan
Pity the liberals, so incapable of comprehending the meaning of Trump that they can’t even get their memes right. One that made the rounds in the aftershock of Trump’s election was a still from The Road, the 2009 film adaptation of Cormac McCarthy’s post-apocalyptic novel, in which Viggo Mortenson, wheeling a shopping trolley of possessions through the gathering nuclear winter, argues with his boy: ‘But son, her emails’. As with the election itself, the joke’s on us. The Road was filmed, in part, in rustbelt areas of Pennsylvania and West Virginia that had been devastated by decades of Clintonian neoliberalism. These bleak landscapes of post-industrial collapse are the condition and not the consequence of Trump’s
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To cite this article
Joe Guinan (2017) Trumpocalypse now, Soundings, 2017(66)