Eight years on the frontline of regeneration: ten lessons from the Enfield experiment
Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2018 Number 68
Eight years on the frontline of regeneration: ten lessons from the Enfield experiment
Alan Sitkin
The London Borough of Enfield is a pioneering local entrepreneurial state. It has worked with businesses to improve the local retention of work and profit within the chain that supplies the borough in the foundational economy. And it has itself set up a number of entrepreneurial ventures. This article draws lessons from the successes and failures of ‘the Enfield experiment’. Perhaps the most optimistic lesson is that it is possible for local authorities to successfully run enterprises that benefit the local community, as with Enfield Innovations and Housing Gateway, property companies wholly owned by LBE that offer below market-cost housing, and Energetik, a plant which uses the burning of waste products to supply a district heating network.
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To cite this article
Alan Sitkin (2018) Eight years on the frontline of regeneration: ten lessons from the Enfield experiment, Soundings, 2018(68)