Soundings Volume 2018 Issue 69

ISSN 1362-6620

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Solidarity in digital times


Editorial: the scandal of contemporary universities
Bill Schwarz Free to download

On work and machines: a labour process of agility
Phoebe Moore Free to download

Policies for inclusive economic growth
Sylvia Walby Free to download

The problem that is Labour local government
David Byrne

Agonies of pluralism: Germany and the New Right
Simon Garnett

Reshaping common sense: management, power and the allure of medical leadership in England’s NHS
Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe

Andy Croft

Two poems
Free to download

‘An enormous sense of solidarity’: London and the 1984-5 Miners’ Strike
David Featherstone, Diarmaid Kelliher, David Donovan, Terry Conway, Sally Davison

Democracy in the making
Lynne Segal, Jo Littler

Conversations with Stuart Hall: the tenacity of race
Pankaj Mishra

Conversations with Stuart Hall: the inheritors of '68
David Edgar Free to download

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