Soundings Volume 2018 Issue 70

ISSN 1362-6620

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Telling political stories


‘1968’ and the politics of memory, pages ‑
Phil Cohen Free to download

Antisemitism, anti-racism and the Labour Party, pages ‑
Richard Kuper, Brendan McGeever, Lynne Segal, Nira Yuval-Davis, Jamie Hakim, Ben Little Free to download

Narratives of sustainability: a lesson from Indonesia, pages ‑
Bernice Maxton-Lee Free to download

Dependence, pages ‑
Sarah Benton Free to download

Why Churchill still matters: the power of the past and the postponement of the future, pages ‑
Gerry Hassan Free to download

London’s nocturnal queer geographies, pages ‑
Ben Campkin, Laura Marshall

Death by a thousand cuts: the story of privatising public education in the USA, pages ‑
Joanne Barkan Free to download

Two poems, pages ‑
Jennifer Lee Tsai Free to download

Reviews, pages ‑
David Featherstone, Daryl Leeworthy Free to download

Mind the gap: the neoliberal assault on further, adult and vocational education, pages ‑
Norman Lucas Free to download

The future of mental health services: the organising challenge ahead, pages ‑
Elizabeth Cotton Free to download

Survival Surgery, pages ‑
Elizabeth Cotton Free to download

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