Soundings Volume 2018 Issue 70

ISSN 1362-6620

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Telling political stories


‘1968’ and the politics of memory
Phil Cohen Free to download

Antisemitism, anti-racism and the Labour Party
Richard Kuper, Brendan McGeever, Lynne Segal, Nira Yuval-Davis, Jamie Hakim, Ben Little Free to download

Narratives of sustainability: a lesson from Indonesia
Bernice Maxton-Lee Free to download

Sarah Benton Free to download

Why Churchill still matters: the power of the past and the postponement of the future
Gerry Hassan Free to download

London’s nocturnal queer geographies
Ben Campkin, Laura Marshall

Death by a thousand cuts: the story of privatising public education in the USA
Joanne Barkan Free to download

Two poems
Jennifer Lee Tsai Free to download

David Featherstone, Daryl Leeworthy Free to download

Mind the gap: the neoliberal assault on further, adult and vocational education
Norman Lucas Free to download

The future of mental health services: the organising challenge ahead
Elizabeth Cotton Free to download

Survival Surgery
Elizabeth Cotton Free to download

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