Yellow fever: populist pangs in France
Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2019 Number 72
Yellow fever: populist pangs in France
Gabriel Bristow
DOI: 10.3898/SOUN.72.04.2019
A discussion of the recent gilets jaunes revolt in France, reflecting on the dynamics of contemporary populist social movements. Starting with the causes of the uprising - underlying and immediate - the article goes on to explore the democratic demands of the movement, the role of the historical imaginary of the French Revolution, the relationship between the gilets jaunes and France’s banlieues, and the predominance of police violence.
To cite this article
Gabriel Bristow (2019) Yellow fever: populist pangs in France, Soundings, 2019(72). https://doi.org/10.3898/SOUN.72.04.2019