Soundings Volume 2019 Issue 73

ISSN 1362-6620

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Power to the people?


Editorial: Everything to fight for
Sally Davison Free to download

Boris Johnson’s Conservatism: an insurrection against political reason?
Bill Schwarz Free to download

Queer comrades: towards a postsocialist queer politics
Hongwei Bao

This is not an essay about Trump
Lawrence Grossberg

Religion, the secular and the left
Deborah Grayson, Tamanda Walker Free to download

‘We do not have to be vicious, competitive, or managerial’: Akwugo Emejulu interviewed by Jo Littler
Jo Littler, Akwugo Emejulu Free to download

Radical left parties, counter-hegemony and the EU
Giorgos Charalambous

Mind the gap: the role of intercultural dialogues in building other Europes
Rasha Shaaban, Antje Scharenberg

Babies and bathwaters: attachment, neuroscience, evolution and the left
Graham Music

‘We got the power!’: the political potential of street choirs

The commonwealth of winds
James Marriott Free to download

Free to download

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