Editorial: Everything to fight for
Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2019 Number 73
Editorial: Everything to fight for
Sally Davison
DOI: 10.3898/SOUN.7301.2019
As we were going to press the December general election was announced. During the campaign Boris Johnson looks set to continue his impersonation act as tribune of the people and embodiment of the popular will. For this reason Bill Schwarz’s analysis in this issue of Johnson’s role in attempting to reconfigure the Conservative Party as a party of the populist right is essential reading. As Schwarz argues, the incorporation of right-wing populism potentially marks a new period in the history of the old party. The continuously intensifying condensation of meanings into the deadly Brexit meme, which began long before the referendum took place, has offered the right an historic opportunity to link together a set of populist ideas that may be capable of re-ordering the political landscape of Britain.
To cite this article
Sally Davison (2019) Editorial: Everything to fight for, Soundings, 2019(73). https://doi.org/10.3898/SOUN.7301.2019