Is Macron the persuader reaching the end of the road?

Soundings - ISSN 1362-6620
Volume 2021 Number 77

Is Macron the persuader reaching the end of the road?
Chris Myant pages 89-100
DOI: 10.3898/SOUN.77.07.2021


For Emmanuel Macron it is natural that a French President should have the powers of an English Tudor monarch. He also believes in a version of neoliberalism in which the state is rolled back when it comes to protections for workers, welfare support and regulating the economy, but not in its role in determining everything. Macron was a key Hollande advisor at the time of his U-turn to neoliberalism, and he has been named ‘the Great Manipulator’. As French citizens have become increasingly disenchanted with his performance, Macron’s political machine, Le République En Marche!, has crumbled. The signs are that he will now tack further to the populist right.

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To cite this article
Chris Myant (2021) Is Macron the persuader reaching the end of the road?, Soundings, 2021(77), 89-100.

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