Renewal Volume 26 (2018) Issue 4
ISSN 0968-5211
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Beyond Mont Pelerin: how does a movement prepare for power?
Christine Berry Free to download
The future of the Irish border
Katy Hayward Free to download
Power, Brexit, gender, tech
Michael Jacobs, Carys Roberts, Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, James Stafford Free to download
Energy democracy and public ownership: what can Britain learn from Latin America?
Daniel Chavez
What can an institution do? Towards Public-Common partnerships and a new common-sense
Keir Milburn, Bertie Russell
Labour’s lost tribe: winning back the working class
Craig Berry
The fragmentation of the electoral left since 2010
Paula Surridge Free to download
Ideas worth fighting for
Lisa Nandy Free to download
Labour at the crossroads – yet again
Steven Fielding
The present and future of techno-scepticism: two books on the dangers of technology
Tom Kelsey