Soundings Volume 2012 Issue 52

ISSN 1362-6620

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Next generation feminism


Feminism and democratic renewal
Tess Lanning Free to download

The girlfriend gaze
Alison Winch

We need to talk: how to renew the state
Jon Wilson

Contributory welfare
Graeme Cooke Free to download

The contributory welfare debate
Kate Bell, Declan Gaffney

Reflections on the 'living wage'
Fran Bennett

Healthy ageing, unhealthy politics
Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe

The double crisis of governability and governmentality
Nira Yuval-Davis

What is British national identity and how do we get it?
Robert Colls

Continuity through change: North Korea's second succession
Glyn Ford

Roshi Naidoo, Theo Reeves-Evison

Must the ex-industrial regions fail?
Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal, Mick Moran, Karel Williams Free to download

Tales from the frontline of regeneration
Alan Sitkin Free to download

Editorial: Next generation feminism

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