Soundings Volume 2015 Issue 60

ISSN 1362-6620

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Austerity and dissent


Editorial: The tasks ahead
Free to download

Roundtable: European alternatives
Marina Prentoulis, Sirio Canós Donnay, Simon Dubbins, Doreen Massey Free to download

Disaffected consent: that post-democratic feeling
Jeremy Gilbert

The centre will not hold: changing principles of political hope
Phil Cohen

The knowledge market
Lynda Dyson

Voluntary action, the state and the market
Andy Benson

Localism and austerity: a gender perspective
Elena Vacchelli

Dickensian blocks: East London's contemporary housing landscape
Stephanie Polsky

Three poems from Palestine
Tareq al-Karmy, Majid Abu Ghoush

Tareq al-Karmy, Majid Abu Ghoush

The 1984-5 miners' strike and the spirit of solidarity
Diarmaid Kelliner

A Magna Carta for all humanity: homing in on human rights
Francesca Klug

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