Soundings Volume 2015 Issue 61

ISSN 1362-6620

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Catch the tide


Editorial: exhilarating times
Doreen Massey Free to download

The art of politics
Jon Cruddas, Ben Little, Doreen Massey, Michael Rustin

Miracles can happen...
Steve Munby

Deserving and undeserving migrants
Sukhwant Dhaliwal, Kirsten Forkert

Frontier anxiety: living with the stress of the every-day border
Don Flynn Free to download

The English NHS after the general election
Steve Iliffe, Jill Manthorpe

'Fit is the new rich': male embodiment in the age of austerity
Jamie Hakim

Feminism and ‘the S -word’
Jo Littler, Mandy Merck, Hilary Wainwright, Nira Yuval-Davis, Deborah Grayson Free to download

Three poems from Campaign in Poetry
Kayo Chingonyi, Anna Kisby, Rosie Miles

Angela McRobbie, Deborah Grayson

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