Soundings Volume 2016 Issue 64

ISSN 1362-6620

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Critical times


Editorial: critical times
Dave Featherstone Free to download

The English NHS: from market failure to trust, professionalism and democracy
Colin Leys Free to download

After Brexit
Marina Prentoulis, Roshi Naidoo, Danny Dorling, Ash Ghadiali, Teresa Piacentini, Richard Corbett, Cian O’Callaghan, Mary Gilmartin , Rooham Jamali , Nick Dearden Free to download

Rethinking public ownership
Andy Cumbers, Ross Beveridge, Matthias Naumann, Lazaros Karaliotas, Angela Last

Beyond mere equality - a politics of class analysis not ‘evidence’
David Byrne

‘Of course we do’: inequality, the family, and the spell of social mobility
Gideon Calder

A tale of three disputes: junior doctors against the government 2015-2016
Steve Iliffe

Poems about migration

Living the crisis through ten moments
Ben Carrington Free to download

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