Soundings Volume 2016 Issue 63
ISSN 1362-6620
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Spaces of resistance
Sally Davison Free to download
Contested spaces of hegemony: left alliances after the crisis. Is it possible to construct alliances in the new landscape of the left?
David Featherstone
From the EU to Latin America: left populism and regional integration
Marina Prentoulis Free to download
Doreen Massey (1944-2016): an appreciation
Joe Painter Free to download
Wales, the Corbyn surge, and the direction of the democratic left
Gideon Calder, David Marquand, Leanne Wood, Neal Lawson
Scotland and alternatives to neoliberalism
Neil Davidson, Satnam Virdee, Gerry Mooney, Jenny Morrison
The Asian Youth Movements: racism and resistance
Anandi Ramamurthy Free to download
Black lives on campuses matter: the rise of the new black student movement
Khadijah White Free to download
What would Rosa do? Co-operatives and radical politics
Marisol Sandoval
Labour and cultural change
John Chowcat
On the borders of solidarity: ethics, power and immigration controls
Phillip Cole
Three Poems from Futures: Poetry of the Greek Crisis
Theodoros Chiotis, Theodoros Rakopoulos, Adrianne Kalfopoulou, Stephanos Papadopoulos
Scott Hames, Hannah Hamad
The neoliberal university and its alternatives
Michael Rustin Free to download