Soundings Volume 2017 Issue 66

ISSN 1362-6620

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Beginning to see the light?


Sally Davison Free to download

Are real changes now possible: where next for Corbyn and Labour?
Michael Rustin Free to download

Election 2017: Beginning to see the light?
Rebecca Bramall, Joe Painter, Ash Ghadiali, Ewan Gibbs, John Barry, Kirsten Forkert Free to download

Trumpocalypse now
Joe Guinan

Feminism for the 99%: towards a populist feminism?
Akwugo Emejulu

The alt-right: reactionary rehabilitation for white masculinity
Annie Kelly Free to download

Confidence man: breaking the spell of Trump the brand
Alison Hearn

Trump and Latin America: continuity and change
Francisco Dominguez

Giorgia Doná, Antje Scharenberg

Three poems inspired by David Bowie
Abigail Parry, Alex Bell, Melissa Lee-Houghton

Finding uncommon ground: working-class identity politics after Labourism
Phil Cohen

Generation: the politics of patriarchy and social change
Ben Little, Alison Winch Free to download

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